At its core, data.table provides an enhanced version of data.frames that are faster, more memory efficient and can be manipulated using a more concise syntax. It also provides a whole set of extra functions for reading from and writing to tabular files, reshaping data between long and wide formats, joining data sets and much more.
data.table mascot is a sea lion, which barks “R R R”
Take a quick look at it functionalities:
It is a great time to join the data.table community! In 2023-2025, National Science Foundation has provided funds to support expanding the ecosystem of users and contributors around data.table. You can start checking:
- The Raft rdatatable-community.github.io/The-Raft, the data.table blog. Sea lions often float together on the ocean’s surface in groups called “rafts”.
- The GitHub repo with 900+ open issues, 100+ open PRs. If you have any time/interest, we could use your help!
…the tutorial
This tutorial was developed to be presented at useR! 2024 thanks to a travel award given to Pao. We hope to be able to share the recordings as soon as they are available.
Pao Corrales
Pao has a PhD from the University of Buenos Aires. She studied atmospheric sciences applying data assimilation techniques to improve short-term forecasts of severe events in Argentina. She is also a Trainer and instructor for The Carpentries and a professor at the Data Sciences degree and postgraduate courses at Guillermo Brown University. She is an active R user and developer and contributes to many communities of practice, such as R-Ladies and rOpenSci.
More information about Pao: paobcorrales.github.io
Elio Campitelli
Elio has a PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in atmospheric sciences and is an active R package developer. They apply open science principles with a strong emphasis on reproducibility by publicly making all the code and data available. They’s a founding member of the R User Group in Buenos Aires and part of LatinR and rOpenSci communities. They maintain several open-source R packages (e.g., ggnewscale; metR) and contribute to other packages, such as data.table and ggplot2.
More informations about Elio: eliocamp.github.io