
Efficient data analysis with data.table

data.table is one of the most efficient open-source in-memory data manipulation packages available today. It can summarise, compute new variables, re-arrange tables and perform group-wise operations quickly, and memory efficiently thanks to its highly optimised C code. It also provides fast alternatives to base R functions for reading and writing files. This three-hour tutorial will introduce participants to data.table’s basics. Through live coding sessions and hands-on exercises, we will learn how to use data.table as part of a data analysis pipeline; from reading data into memory to writing the results back, including exploration, data manipulation and joins. The tutorial will also lay the foundations for learning more advanced features, such as special symbols and combined operations.

Developing Software Together: using Git

It is a three-hour course on how to use Git and GitHub to collaboratively develop open source software with the R language. It was organized for the Champions program of rOpenSci.


Transforming science through open data, software & reproducibility

Hourly Assimilation of Different Sources of Observations Including Satellite Radiances in a Mesoscale Convective System Case During RELAMPAGO campaign

Abstract In this paper, we evaluate the impact of assimilating high-resolution surface networks and satellite observations using the WRF-GSI-LETKF over central and north eastern Argentina where the surface and upper air observing networks are relatively coarse. We conducted a case study corresponding to a huge mesoscale convective system (MCS) that developed during November 22, 2018. The accumulated precipitation associated with this MCS was quite high, exceeding 200 mm over northern Argentina and Paraguay.

A rapid refresh ensemble based data assimilation and forecast system for the RELAMPAGO field campaign

Highlights A LETKF-WRF system was run successfully in real-time to support RELAMPAGO operations. A reduction in forecast error was shown due to data assimilation cycles. 60-member RRR analyses and forecasts are available for the research community. Abstract This paper describes the lessons learned from the implementation of a regional ensemble data assimilation and forecast system during the intensive observing period of the Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) field campaign (central Argentina, November–December 2018).

A Parameterization of the Cloud Scattering Polarization Signal Derived From GPM Observations for Microwave Fast Radative Transfer Models

Abstract: Microwave cloud polarized observations have shown the potential to improve precipitation retrievals since they are linked to the orientation and shape of ice habits. Stratiform clouds show larger brightness temperature (TB) polarization differences (PDs), defined as the vertically polarized TB (TBV) minus the horizontally polarized TB (TBH), with ~10 K PD values at 89 GHz due to the presence of horizontally aligned snowflakes, while convective regions show smaller PD signals, as graupel and/or hail in the updraft tend to become randomly oriented.

Uso de R en Latinoamérica, fortalezas, desafíos y debilidades

R se utiliza en todo el mundo para diversos fines. Sin embargo, ¿hasta qué punto se utiliza en los países periféricos? ¿Qué barreras y desafíos se enfrentan allí? Somos un grupo de usuaries de R de América Latina, una región que enfrenta varias barreras, el idioma, la infraestructura, la distancia, el diferente acceso a los recursos, la información y la capacitación. Esta desigualdad muchas veces representa no sólo una barrera adicional para que las personas aprendan y usen R, sino también un obstáculo para participar en eventos internacionales que reduce nuestra representación en la esfera global. Antes de mejorar la inclusión de las personas de América Latina en la comunidad global de R, necesitamos entender de manera integral las experiencias de les usuaries de R. Con este objetivo en mente, creamos una encuesta en línea diseñada para evaluar qué desafíos enfrentan les usuaries latinoamericanos de R que ha sido compartida dentro de una fuerte red existente de useRs en América Latina desde Tijuana hasta Ushuaia. Más de 900 personas completaron la encuesta y los resultados preliminares ya destacan que varios useRs de esta región a menudo se enfrentan a desafíos asociados con no ser hablantes nativos de inglés o con la falta de acceso a ciertos recursos. Sin embargo, también reveló que muchos pertenecen a diferentes comunidades de R como R-Ladies y LatinR entre otras, que sirven como plataformas útiles para conectarse con otros que pueden ayudar a lidiar con las dificultades compartidas que enfrentan.

Teaching to teach without losing anyone along the way

In this talk we will talk about some of the core values that define us, meeting our students where they are and in their context in Latin America. This means not making assumptions about their knowledge of technology or Internet access and availability, cultural differences, barriers and specific needs. We want to share what we learned by teaching in community.


I’m part of R-Ladies since 2017.