Hi, there! Cómo estás?
This is my messy website where I try to share what I know and what I’m learning. You’ll find a mix of Spanish and English and I hope you’ll find it useful. Everything here is Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, because I believe that knowledge needs to be open to grow.
About me?
I have a PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. During my PhD I applied data assimilation techniques to improve the representation of mesoscale convective systems and associated precipitation. I haves experience working with Numerical Weather Prediction models using HPC systems and programming languages such as R, bash, and Fortran.
I’ve been a trainer and instructor for The Carpentries since 2020 and now I’m also part of their Board of Directors. I’m an RStudio certified instructor since 2019. I’ve contributed to translations projects of Carpentries’ materials and the book Teaching Tech Together. I’m currently contributing to the translation of R message in R base and recommended packages and the Internationalization of R Help Pages project.
I’m part of Expedition Science, an Argentina-based NPO, where I lead educational projects such as science camps and workshops for students and K-12 science teachers. I was part of the board in the role of treasurer from 2013 to march 2024 and now I hope to continue contributing to their governance and organization.
I’m a professor at the Data Sciences degree courses at Guillermo Brown University where I teach Data Visualization and Data Management courses. I develop openly licensed materials to teach and learn R from scratch, reproducibility for researchers and other topics in free-range settings.
I’m part of the R-Ladies Global team, the LatinR community, and I co-founded MetaDocencia, a teaching community for Spanish-speaking educators. Currently, I am also part of rOpenSci, where I translated the Development Guide and co-authored the rOpenSci Localization and Translation Guidelines. In 2023, I participated in the Champions program presenting the agroclimatico R package to rOpenSci peer review process.
A Blog
La trivia de ggplot2

Una de las cosas más difíciles cuando enseñamos es saber si nuestros estudiantes entendieron y aprendieron eso que explicamos. Preguntar ¿se entendió? no es suficiente porque no siempre nos animamos a decir que no pero más importante, no siempre nos damos cuenta que no entendemos hasta que intentamos poner en práctica eso que nos explicaron. Acá es donde entran las evaluaciones formativas, ejercicios diseñados específicamente para detectar si los estudiantes entendieron y si no lo hicieron, qué conceptos erróneos están en juego.
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Efficient data analysis with data.table

data.table is one of the most efficient open-source in-memory data manipulation packages available today. It can summarise, compute new variables, re-arrange tables and perform group-wise operations quickly, and memory efficiently thanks to its highly optimised C code. It also provides fast alternatives to base R functions for reading and writing files. This three-hour tutorial will introduce participants to data.table’s basics. Through live coding sessions and hands-on exercises, we will learn how to use data.table as part of a data analysis pipeline; from reading data into memory to writing the results back, including exploration, data manipulation and joins. The tutorial will also lay the foundations for learning more advanced features, such as special symbols and combined operations.
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Transforming science through open data, software & reproducibility
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Español (32) Education (21) workshop (15)